OPTA is the collective voice of the transit industry in Ontario. Our member-driven trade association represents public transit systems, health and social service agency transportation providers, suppliers to the industry, consultants and government representatives.
To strengthen and improve public transit through advocacy and information sharing.
Excellence in the provision of sustainable public transit services for Ontarians.
Members represent public transit systems, health and social service agency transportation providers, suppliers to the industry, consultants and government representatives.
The Board of Directors, composed of 12 members, is responsible for the approval of the strategic direction, budget and Association governance policies. In addition to its fiduciary duties, the Board focuses on key strategic topics that are impacting the Ontario transit and urban mobility sector to develop industry positions and/or mandate its standing committees to conduct additional research or initiatives on certain topics.
Started in 1999, the Ontario Transportation Expo conference and trade show is a joint event organized by the Ontario Bus Consortium, which is three partnering associations – the Ontario Motor Coach Association (OMCA), the Ontario Public Transit Association (OPTA) and the School Bus Ontario (SBO). This event is a combination of buyers and sellers from the entire bus transportation industry, not found anywhere else in Canada. For more information visit www.ote.ca – hope to see you at OTE.
Government Relations & ADVOCACY
While advocacy primarily benefits transit system members and is the main “raison d’être” for OPTA, it is important that Business members understand the key public policy issues impacting your customers. Their success at Queen’s Park equates to your success. Supporting the association which represents your customers makes good business sense. At the same time, Business Members themselves can benefit from OPTA’s lobbying activity, as evidenced by the success we’ve had with lobbying for Gas Tax funding and other regulatory reforms.
Scroll through the content below to view our recent updates related to #TransitMatters campaign.
OPTA members can send us an email to info@ontariopublictransit.ca to post a information here. This is a Free service for OPTA members.
OPTA members can send us an email to info@ontariopublictransit.ca to post a information here. This is a Free service for OPTA members.
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OPTA Office Location
5063 North Service Rd Suite 200,
Burlington, ON L7L 5H6
Phone: (416) 229-6222
Email: info@ontariopublictransit.ca