2022/2023 Work Plans
- Terms of Reference (updated March 2023)
- Governance Structure (updated June 2023)
- Workstream 1: Operations and Maintenance Work Plan
- Workstream 2: Engineering Work Plan
- Workstream 3: Procurement and Vendor Engagement Work Plan
In early 2021, the OPTA Board recommended the establishment of a zero-emission bus (ZEB) Committee in response to the need expressed by members for the ability to learn from and share with one-another as revenue and non-revenue fleets are transitioned to zero-emission technology.
The board recognized that several other groups and forums were already in place, however there was consensus that an Ontario-specific group would be beneficial to the OPTA membership. The committee will identify the need for sub-groups or larger group discussions as required.
The ZEB Committee’s mandate is to establish and maintain a forum for OPTA members to develop and share best practices, lessons learned, standards documentation, and key metrics for the implementation of zero-emissions vehicle technology. To this end, there are four workstreams under which the ZEB Committee will research, exchange, develop, issue and maintain industry guidelines. Refer to the February 2023 Terms of Reference and the December 2022 Governance Structure for details.
2021-22 Work Program Reports:
The “Monthly Agendas & Presentations” and “All Member ZEB Forum” are available to all OPTA members. All other forums listed below are available for the specific workstream members only.